Time spent billing software for Lawyer and Legal

Tempolia is time management and internal firm management software, developed for lawyers and legal professionals looking for easy to use, reliable and comprehensive software.

Our goal is to improve your productivity by allowing you to enter your time and expenses in a fast and pleasant way, while providing you with a reliable billing process. and secure to bill more fairly.

Be more efficient in your daily tasks and improve your customer relationship thanks to the many features that Tempolia offers you.

Find out how to facilitate your invoicing with Tempolia

Improve your productivity

Many lawyers express the need for a tool that allows them to better manage their time. Case management often requires performing unplanned tasks in order to best satisfy the client.

A tool that tracks working time, whether billable or not, is essential to improve productivity and visibility on each case.

Thanks to Tempolia, you will be able to enter the time granted to a client in an exhaustive way or to import it from Excel in a simple and user-friendly way.

Your time management will now be easy and pleasant.

Your expense reports can also be entered and linked to each case, so you can free up time and focus on important tasks.

Efficiently track your files

Schedule all your appointments, phone calls and pleadings to improve your efficiency.

Keep track of all actions taken for clients and effectively track all of your cases by entering events.

A reminder system allows you to meet all your deadlines to help you organize your schedule.

Moreover, dematerialize your documents by attaching them directly to your files or your events, in the simplest way possible.

Secure your invoices

Tempolia supports law firms in their invoicing, from the preparation of the invoice to its payment, whether you invoice by the time spent or the fixed rate. You can re-invoice expenses incurred for your customers without VAT, and with details in the appendix.

We have made sure that your invoicing is done as easily as possible: when preparing invoices, whether budgeted or ad hoc, great freedom is left to the lawyer who can change the wording or amounts invoiced.

After preparation, the invoices are stored in an intermediate area where they can be modified and renumbered in order to leave time for validation by the responsible partner.

A simple process that helps you establish fair and secure invoicing.

Trust your customer

The relationship of trust between a lawyer and his client is based on respect for confidentiality, professional work and active communication.

Tempolia offers you different models, totally customizable, to communicate in a professional and transparent way with your client:

  • Models of Fee Agreements;

  • Email templates;

  • Models of invoices and due diligence schedules;

  • Customer follow-up templates.

While maintaining a reliable relationship with your client, you will also be able to stand out from your colleagues with these professional letter templates.

Do you want to improve and secure your billing?

Call us at +33 (0) 1 43 79 25 18 to ask us for a quote and assess your productivity gain.
Contact us