Expert Accountant software: Internal firm management and invoicing

Awarded in 2018 and 2019 by Le Monde du Chiffre following a survey of 40,000 accountants:

Tempolia is internal management software, activity monitoring and time management, developed specifically to meet the needs of Chartered Accountants.

We have studied all the requirements of Chartered Accountant firms in order to offer you a software that meets your expectations. The majority of our clients are Chartered Accountants and we also support many of their clients.

Our goal is to save you time by offering you reliable, secure and ergonomic software.

Tempolia allows you to anticipate your peaks of activity by following your fiscal and social obligations, and to affirm your professionalism with our models of mission letters.

Find out how to improve your productivity with Tempolia

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Optimize your time

Tracking your time is essential to visualize the tasks performed on each exercise and the time spent on it. Depending on the time of year, it is necessary to manage your schedule as best as possible and your priorities.

With Tempolia's time management, the entry of past times can be done in different ways, for example by importing Excel workbooks or via the Internet. Each entry is fast and secure.

You improve your organization by freeing up time for your customers, and therefore improving your profitability.

Your travel expenses, hotel expenses or meals can be quickly entered in Tempolia.

The entry of expense reports requiring rigor and responsiveness, it is greatly facilitated in Tempolia. You visualize and control expenses at all times, reimburse employees, charge the cost to business or re-invoice your customers.

Improve your billing

Tempolia helps you establish your invoices in a simple, fast and secure way. You can budget your invoices to secure the firm's cash flow. Whether you bill on a flat-rate basis or on the actual time spent on the file, your billing can be automated to increase productivity without forgetting anything.

By following a logic of dematerialization, your invoices can be saved in PDF, sent by email or exported to your accounts. Tempolia exports general ledger entries to 50 accounting software including COALA, CCMX, CIEL, EBP, QUADRATUS, CEGID, CADOR, EIC, SAGE.

You can also monitor your collections: checks, transfers, or direct debits with automatic generation of SEPA files. Tempolia offers you customizable customer reminders which show the details of the customer balance taking into account the payment deadlines.

The professionalization of your time management allows you to analyze the profitability of each account and to renegotiate your account maintenance package at the end of the year.

Face your peak of activity

Chartered Accountants are required to respect the fiscal period which extends from January to the end of April, dates on which the balance sheets must be finalized. This peak of activity requires rigorous management of schedules.

Tempolia allows the planning of the fiscal and social obligations of your clients in order to help you to better manage this peak of activity.

You can also create all kinds of events to keep track of all the tasks concerning the customers, in order to efficiently follow all of your files.

An automatic reminder system allows you to anticipate and meet all your deadlines, in order to facilitate your organization.

In addition, you can dematerialize your documents by attaching them directly to your files or your events, in the simplest way possible.

Professionalize your engagement letter

The Chartered Accountant is often the privileged adviser of a company. You can assert your professionalism while building a relationship of trust with your client.

In this process, we are offering you a letter of engagement of high quality. This can be completely modified in Word: it can use the model of the Order or the company, as well as your header model and incorporate configurable data specific to the client.

The engagement letter may include in the appendix a table showing the distribution of contractual obligations between the client and the firm in order to make your client relationship more reliable.

The systematic publication of mission letters will also allow you to better manage the quality controls carried out by the Order.

Do you want to structure the invoicing of the time spent by your practice?

Call us at +33 (0) 1 43 79 25 18 to ask us for a quote and assess your efficiency gain.
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